What to do if you are concerned

You should not panic but you should seek professional advice as soon as possible. There may well be an application that can be made; even outside the Immigration Rules where the Home Secretary can exercise their discretion to normalise a resident’s status.

Long Residence


If you have been residing in the United Kingdom for a lengthy period of time you may qualify for indefinite leave to remain under the long residence rules.

People who have lived continuously in the UK for many years are becoming fretful as the UK’s obsession with illegal immigration is fuelled by the press etc.  It may well be that a person has very good reason to be in the UK but their immigration status was never previously regularised.


Anyone affected should check their position and all available options.  Capita (a company with a UK Government contract to force people, who are here without permission, to leave the UK) may start making contact and consequently time may become a serious issue.


We are here to help you

Newfields | Exclusively Immigration Long Residence
Long Residence

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Newfields | Exclusively Immigration